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Registered Agent's Annual STP Creator Licence
Release 2 – ATO Specification PAYEVNT.004 (2020)

Namich offers a special licence for registered Tax or BAS Agents. This licence is different to a normal licence in that it allows you to complete STP Reporting for your clients without any Payee limits. Simply add a Payer ABN code to your Agent's Licence. The licence cost is an annual fee. Payer ABN codes are a one-off cost, and can continue to be used while your Licence is current.

All new STP Creator licences transmit data directly to the ATO via Standard Business Reporting (SBR) and include cost of transmitting data directly to the ATO. No additional fees apply (unless you choose to transmit via a Sending Service Provider or SSP - see below).

Trial Licence - Free

The Trial licence comes with 1 Payer ABN Code and can be used with any number of Payees under that ABN. The Trial Licence is valid for 45 days. It will allow you to fully evaluate STP Creator (including transmitting payroll data to the ATO) to see if it will meet your needs. This licence comes with email support only.
To request a Trial Licence, click here

Agents Licence - $520.00 (inc GST) per annum

When using an Agents Licence there is no limit on the number of Payees that you can report for under each Payer ABN Code. See below under Extras to add a Payer ABN to your Agents Licence. This multi user licence comes with email support only.
To purchase or renew an Agent's Licence, click here or to renew an existing Licence, click here


Setup - from $66 (inc GST)

Some users may find the initial setup to be a bit of a challenge. We do have videos that cover this. Alternatively you can purchase and book a Setup session. We will connect remotely via TeamViewer®, setup your Data Set file and lodge your first STP Report.
To purchase a Setup Session, click here

Payer ABN Codes - $111.00 each (inc GST)

To purchase click here.

Licence or ABN code re-issue Fee - $25 each (inc GST)

To pay click here.

Note 1: STP Creator is designed to be run on a Windows operating system. To use the program on a Mac, you will need to use Parallels, VMware, WineBottler or other virtualisation/emulation software. We recommend a Trial first. See here for more info.

Note 2: Use of STP Creator with an Licence is dependent on you having installed Machine 2 Machine (M2M) Credentials from the ATO via Relationship Authorisation Manger (RAM).

To check if you have authority to install M2M Credentials, log into RAM (see link above), select your entity and see if Manage Credentials appears at top of screen - see Help Article here for more details

The M2M installation process is similar to the previous AusKey process. We can help with this if required, see under Extras below. Or follow this video. Once setup, there is no further authentication required. There are no ongoing fees for transmitting the data to the ATO via SBR. All transmission costs are included in the licence fee. Note however that transmission fees will apply if you lodge via SSP using Single Touch Pty Ltd - see below.

Note 3: A licence is issued for one business only, this licence can be used within your business and must not be provided to clients.

Note 4: You do not need to notify the ATO about using STP Creator for a client. All you need to do is ensure the client is on your client list under your Registered Agent Number (RAN). On the SBR Setting screen, simply select Agent as Sender Type, add your ABN and your RAN. When the STP Report is lodged the ATO will check this Payer ABN is linked to your RAN. Install the M2M credentials for your ABN.

STP Creator is not a Hosted Online Service (it is Desktop via SBR), so there is no need to register the client or provide a Software ID to the ATO.

Sending Service Provider (SSP)
A SSP is an entity that provides a 'transmission' service. STP Creator users can use Single Touch Pty Ltd, a Sydney based SSP. All STP data must be encrypted before sending to the ATO. STP Creator will encrypt the data using your M2M credentials - a digital key provided by the ATO. If you use an SSP to transmit your data, they will encrypt using their own M2M Credentials. A SSP charges a monthly fee to transmit data on your behalf. See here for more details.

Multiple Purchases - Submit orders using above links, then make one payment via Payments Page. If purchasing 5 or more licences or ABN codes at the same time, and payments are made by bank transfer, a bulk purchase discount (5-20%) applies. Contact Namich for further information.

Refund Policy - see here.

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