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Super Payment Date on Payslip in MYOB®

Memo Method

This method is uses the Memo field on each employees payscreen. It involves typing (or pasting) into the Memo field the words you want to appear on the payslip, for example "Superannuation contribution is expected to be paid 21 Oct 2013". This approach requires this step each time an employee's pay is processed. It will therefore more time consuming than the other approaches which only require one step once every quarter.

MYOB payscreen

Step 1
Start MYOB® v19 and open your company file. (Will also work on other versions although process may be slightly different).

Step 2
Go to Setup, Customise Forms, Payslips, choose the payslip you want to customise and press Customise button. We will customise the payslip we customised on the 'Payslip Changes' page.

Step 3
Find or create a suitable spot to add a Data field. In this example we will do this at the bottom of the payslip. Click the Data field icon on the toolbar, the left most icon.

MYOB Toolbar

Scroll down and select "Memo" and then click OK. This will add the Memo data field on your payslip. Use the arrow buttons on the keyboard to move the field to the desired location. Note that you may need to turn off the 'Snap to Grid' option. To do this click the 2nd last button on the toolbar (properties) and un-tick the 'Snap to Grid' check-box on the Options tab and press OK to close.

Step 4
Double click in the new field, and on the Layout tab, change the width in the Field Size section to 10cm.
Click the Text Format button and under the Justify section, choose Centre. Click OK to close the Text Format screen.
Click the Borders Tab and change the border colour to white. Click OK to close the Field Properties screen. The image below shows how our data field looks at the bottom of the payslip under the wage details table:

MYOB Payslip

Step 5
Click the 'Save Form' button and then Cancel, Cancel to get back to the Command Centre.

You are now setup for using the Memo Method. When processing each employee's pay, you need to enter in the Memo field the words you want to appear on the payslip. If paying superannuation to the fund quarterly, write something like "Superannuation contribution is expected to be paid on 21 Oct 2013". The image below shows how this will appear on the payslip.

Payslip 1a

Payslip - Click to enlarge.
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