EMPDUPE Maker is the solution if your current accounting software satisfies your accounting or bookkeeping needs, but does not produces compliant payment summaries and EMPDUPE files. Simply open your non-compliant EMPDUPE file generated by your accounting software, add any missing details, and EMPDUPE Maker generates up to date Payment Summaries and a compliant Payment Summary Annual Report (PSAR - or EMPDUPE.A01 file).
Don't have an existing EMPDUPE file? - You can also create all the compliance records (Payment Summaries and EMPDUPE file) from your existing payroll records. EMPDUPE Maker supports importing data from a spreadsheet as well as manually entering data.
No more filling out by hand. The PDF payment summaries can be emailed to payees and the EMPDUPE file can be lodged electronically via the ATO's Online Services for Business or Business and Agent Portals
Need to Amend? - EMPDUPE Maker's most appealing feature! Software such as MYOB® and QuickBooks® often don't support preparing or lodging Amended Payment Summaries or EMPDUPE files. EMPDUPE Maker does. Many users purchase EMPDUPE Maker for this feature alone.
Need other payment summary types? - EMPDUPE Maker supports the 3 most common payment summary types, Individual non-business (INB), Eligible Termination Payments (ETP) and Business and Person Services Income (BUS). For other payment summary types, such as Foreign Employment Income, Superannuation or Departing Australia, see PSAR Premium.
EMPDUPE Maker has been developed for Windows based systems - Mac users see here