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EMPDUPE Maker - Mac users

EMPDUPE Maker has been developed to run on a PC and will therefore not normally work on a Mac. For those Mac users affected by the 2016/17 Payment Summary changes, in other words your Mac based accounting software can produce an EMPDUPE file that was valid for the 2015/16 year, below are 3 possible options.

Option 1 - Use WineBottler to run EMPDUPE Maker on a Mac.
WineBottler is a free program that packages a Windows based program into a Mac app-bundle. This allows you to run Windows based programs directly on your Mac without the need for emulators, virtualisers or creating boot partitions.

We have not tested on a Mac and so cannot guaranteed it will work, however there are a number of Mac users who use our software this way. The only known issue is with tab-delimited files created for importing, however if you have an EMPDUPE.A01 file generated by your accounting software, you do not need to use the tab-delimited import function. When creating a tab-delimited file on a Mac, you will need to first open it in a free program called BBEdit and 'save as' Windows(CRLF).

Option 2 - If you have access to a PC:
Use your Mac accounting software to generate the 2016/17 Payment Summaries and EMPDUPE file. Discard the Payment Summaries and copy the EMPDUPE file (usually called EMPDUPE.A01) onto a usb. Purchase EMPDUPE Maker and install onto the PC. Copy the EMPDUPE.A01 file from the usb to the PC. Run EMPDUPE Maker and choose the 'Load Data from existing EMPDUPE File' button on the main screen. Select the EMPDUPE.A01 file created with your Mac accounting software.

If any Payees are affected by the Working Holiday Maker provisions or have received Reportable Fringe Benefits (RFBT), you will need to edit those Payees as appropriate, that is to show "Working Holiday Maker' as the Income Type, or select Y or N if the Payer of the RFBT is exempt. If any Payees received Allowances, you will also need to update this information on the Payee screen.

Once you have completed all the screens, you can generate new Payment Summaries to provide to payees and a new EMPDUPE file to upload to the ATO's Online Services for Business or Business Portal.

Option 3 - If you do not have access to a PC:
Use your Mac accounting software to generate the Payment Summaries and EMPDUPE file. Discard the Payment Summaries and email the EMPDUPE file (usually called EMPDUPE.A01) to us. We will use the EMPDUPE file to create new Payment Summaries and EMPDUPE file and will email back to you for distribution to your payees and uploading to the ATO's Online Services for Business or Business portal.

You will need to email details of any changes required. Our fee for this service is $45 and files will be returned same day provided payment is made. Contact us for more information if interested in this service.
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