Main Screen

When you run STP Creator, you will be prompted to log into the most recent Data Set file - as shown below:

Once you log in the Main Screen will look something like this:

The tick indicates that a Data Set file has been loaded (and its settings are correct).

This is STP Creator's Main Window.

Menu Items

The Menu items are as follows:

Buttons etc

Load Settings from Data Set file (previously -  Permanent Data Set)

The step involves creating or opening an existing Data Set file.

Load Payroll Data (previously Assemble Income Statement Data (YTD))

The step loads YTD payroll data (from a linked MYOB® file or via import if not using MYOB®.

Check Payee

The system runs numerous automatic background checks and if it detects an error, you will see a cross next to this button. If you see a cross click this button to see what the issue is and how to fix.

Check Payroll Categories

The system runs numerous automatic background checks and if it detects an error, you will see a cross next to this button. If you see a cross click this button to see what the issue is and how to fix.

Set Reporting Period (previously Assemble Activity Statement Data (Period))

This step requires you to set the Dates you are Reporting for and calculates the Activity Statement W1 and W2 data.

View and Lodge STP Report (previously Assemble Final STP Report Data)

This is the final step where STP Creator presents the outcome of the previous steps. It also allows you to Lodge the data with the ATO.

How to use STP Creator

This gives you a brief overview of the steps involved.


You must first load data from a Data Set file - click the Permanent Data Set button. The compete Load Payroll Data.

If you try to do Step 3 or 4 before you complete Step 2, you will see this message.

Payroll Year does not match

'The Payroll Year in this MYOB® company file is xxxx'

This message may appear when you Load Payroll Data from the linked MYOB® company file. This is normal and expected when you try to use the Data Set file to report the first Payroll in a new Payroll Year. In the above example, we have rolled our Payroll Year in the MYOB® company file from 2019 to 2020. However the Payroll Year setting in the Data Set file is still 2019. If you see this message after you have started a new Payroll Year in MYOB, click Yes and STP Creator will update the Payroll Year in the Data Set file to match the Payroll Year in the MYOB® company file.

When changing a Payroll Year in MYOB®, it is good practice to make a backup and appropriately label it, for example 'Backup B4 Roll to 2020'. This allows the correct backup to be readily identified should you need to re-issue Payment Summaries or make any other payroll changes in the Payroll Year about to be closed.

When making your MYOB® pre rollover backup, we recommend you also make a copy of your Data Set file while the Payroll Year matches the Payroll Year in MYOB®. Label it appropriately such as 'Final DataSet for 2019 PY.dsf'. Should you need to correct an STP Report from the prior year, you will have ready access to the MYOB® backup as well as the Data Set for that backup.