Lock Files Exist

Basic Principles


When MYOB® opens a company file, it creates Lock Files to manage users. These are small files that begin with Lock or Access, such as Lock0001.flk or Access01.flk - see image below. When you close MYOB® these files are deleted.

Loading Data

When you load current Payroll data from a linked MYOB® company file, you may see this message:

This means one or more Lock files were detected in the same folder as the linked MYOB® company file.

No-one is logged in to this MYOB® File

There are 2 possible explanations:

Someone is logged in to this MYOB® File however they are not currently using the file

Ignore the message, click Ok to continue.

Someone is logged in to this MYOB® File and they are/may be currently using the file

Ask them to Log off or not use the file for the next few minutes until the Load process is complete.

ODBC Access

If your file is registered for ODBC access, you could use the ODBC process to load the data instead - this requires use of an ODBC code. Not only will loading Data be much quicker, others users can also continue to use the file at the same time.