Report Lump Sum A Type T - Phase 2
Check with your tax advisor or the ATO whether unused leave is included in Gross Amount, Unused Leave on Termination, or is a Lump sum A Type R or Lump sum A Type T amount. If it is a Lump Sum A Type T amount and you used a Payroll Category in MYOB® (for example Unused Holiday Pay, ensure you map this to the 'Lump sum A Type T' STP Field.
First select the STP Field as per below:
Next Map the Payroll Category to this STP Field as per below:
The Final STP Report Data Screen with then show the Lump sum A Type T amount.
If not using MYOB®
Simply select the relevant STP Field here as shown in the first image above. On the Assemble Income Statement Data (YTD) screen, manually add or import YTD data indicating the YTD amount for each Payee against each STP Field including Lump sum A Type T amount.