Payer Screen
Click the button highlighted below to add or Edit Payer data for this Data Set file.
This will bring up this screen:
Most of the fields on this screen are self explanatory. ATO documentation for Payers should be consulted for specific information.
Enter the Payer's Name as it appears on the Payer's ABN registration. This is sometimes referred to as the Payer's legal name as appears on the ABN Register and on the Payer's activity statements. Do not include full stops, commas etc, use a space between initials. For example W.R. and J.B. Smith should be entered as W R and J B Smith
Trading Name
Enter the Payer's trading name. For example, if ABC Holdings Pty Ltd is the Payer's registered name and the Payer trades as Australian Investments, the Name field would contain ABC Holdings Pty Ltd and the Trading Name field would contain Australian Investments. This field accepts alpha numeric characters only. If the Payer does not have a trading name then this field can be left blank. Do not include full stops, commas etc, use a space between initials. For example W.R. and J.B. Smith should be entered as W R and J B Smith
This is read-only. STP Creator will retrieve the Payer ABN from the licence file linked to this Data Set file.
Branch No
Enter the Payer's 3 digit Branch number for this report. For an Payer with an ABN and only one Branch select 001.
Code - Trial and Agents Licences only
A unique code for the Payer (based on ABN) is available from Namich. Enter the Code you were provided. If you do not have a code, STP Creator will add the Payer with an ABN of 000 000 000 00. When you receive a Code from Namich, you can edit this Payer and add the Code.
You can test STP Creator without a Code, however the Payer ABN and all Payee TFNs will show as zeroes. You can receive a code with a free trial registration.
Note: A code will not be accepted while the program is in Demo mode - it must first be registered.
Contact Name
Enter the name of the person the ATO should contact if they have a query about this STP Report.
Enter a business hours phone number for the person the ATO should contact if they have a query about this STP Report.
Enter an email address for the person the ATO should contact if they have a query about this STP Report.
Folder Name
STP Creator needs an 8 character folder name to store the data for this entity. It uses the first 8 characters of the Payer name, replacing spaces with an underscore. However you can replace this with any 8 character name of your choice. Avoid using the same Folder Name for 2 different entities.
Certain characters are not allowed, and while a number can be used, the folder name cannot start with a number. The & character cannot be used as a folder name on some systems. You can replace the Folder name with any 8 alpha characters (inc underscore) for example if your business name is A & B Company Pty Ltd, STP Creator will use A_&_B _Co - however the & character will cause an error. You could change this to:
Line 1 and Line 2
Lines 1 and 2 must only contain the Payer's postal address (excluding suburb, town or locality, state, postcode and country). It is not necessary to use both lines. These fields accept alpha numeric characters only. Do not include full stops, commas etc. The second line can be left blank.
This field must contain the suburb, town or locality for the address of the Payer. This field accepts alpha numeric characters only.
If reporting an overseas address, all data except country code must be in Line 1, Line 2 and Suburb/City - PCode and State must be blank.
This field must contain the state or territory for the address of the Payer. Must be AAT, ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC or WA. Leave blank for overseas address.
This field must contain the postcode for the address of the Payer. This field accepts numeric characters only. For 3 digit postcodes, use a leading zero, for example 0800. Leave blank for overseas address.
Country Code
If country is Australia, this field can be left blank or use au. For other countries, use the relevant 2 digit country code, available from the ATO, or here.
BMSID Modifier
If you have multiple Data Set files under the same ABN, use a BMSID modifier to distinguish between the Data Set files. For example use A for this Data Set File and a B for the other. This will add an A or a B to the end of the BMSID and allow the ATO to distinguish between your payrolls. BMSID stands for Business Management System ID. This will allow the ATO to collate your Activity Statement totals from all your STP Reports.
Note: Do not change this setting after you have successfully lodged an STP Report using this Data Set File. This can lead to duplication. Consult Namich if this setting needs to be changed.
Payee ID Modifier
If you have multiple MYOB® company files from which you prepare STP Reports, use a Payee ID to ensure every Payee ID is unique. A Payee ID is allocated by MYOB® and cannot be changed. While no 2 employees from the same MYOB® company file can have the same Payee ID, if you have 2 or more MYOB® files which report under the same ABN, the potential exists for 1 employee in one of the company files to have the same Payee ID as an employee of the other company file.
Use the modifier to ensure all Payee ID's are unique. For example use A for this Data Set File and a B for the other. This will add an A or a B to the beginning of each Payee ID in the reports sent to the ATO and will allow the ATO to distinguish between your employees.
Note: Do not change this setting after you have successfully lodged an STP Report using this Data Set File. This can lead to duplication. Consult Namich if this setting needs to be changed.
Add Modifier
Tick this checkbox to allow you to edit the above 2 fields, after reading the warning. Generally do not use these unless advised to by Namich
Payee ID leading 0 for AR202x
In a MYOB file, Payee ID comes from the Card Record_ID, a hidden database field. This is a numerical field, 1, 2, 3 etc. For STP Reporting MYOB Aust decided to make the Payee ID a minimum of 4 characters, so instead of using 1, they would use 0001. When migrating from using MYOB's STP Reporting to STP Creator, you will be prompted to set this during the Create Data Set step. This is for consistency with MYOB and ensures when you lodge via STP Creator and specify a Previous BMS ID, the STP Reports lodged via MYOB will be replaced by the STP Reports lodged via STP Creator. This will prevent duplication.
Once set, this check box should not be 'unset' - check with Namich if in doubt
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Click this button to close this screen without saving any details. You will not be prompted to Save any changes.
Click this button to Save/Update the Payer details in this Data Set file. Numerous edit checks are performed before the details can be saved. Any fields identified with an must be corrected. The field might be empty (when it is compulsory), it may contain invalid characters, or it might not be in a valid format.