You will see this image below if you have already completed 'Step 4. Assemble Final STP Report Data' in this session and you made some changes (for example you added a Final Indicator = TRUE or you added TFN Declaration details for a Payee.
The purpose of this image is to inform you that those changes made earlier (on the Final STP Report Data screen) will be reset and you will need to set them again. This is the default setting and recommended in most instances, esp if you made any changes on any other screen. Click OK, check the data and set Final Indicator or TFN details as required.
If you have not made any changes on any other screen, you can click the option to 'Re-open previously edited Final STP Report Data ...' this will re-open the screen as it was set previously - including Final Indicators and TFN Declaration Details that were set earlier.
Always check the Data on the Final STP Report Data screen before lodging. All of the data on that screen will be sent to the ATO. All of the Payee Data in the table will replace anything you have sent previously for the Payees included in the table.