Exception Errors
Exception errors appear in the Messages area highlighted below:
If your error is not covered in the examples below, click the Copy button and the Paste the message into an email and send to Namich.
Exception (Method MySignIn Line 1027 File C:\Users\Office2\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\STP01 - MYOX\SingleTouchAPITestClientR1\SingleTouchAPITestClient\STPSendLibrary\STPSend.cs): (Returned user identifier does not match the sent user identifier) Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalServiceExceptionMicrosoft.Identity.Client at Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.Requests.RequestBase.SaveTokenResponseToCache()
This message indicates you have more than one user who Signs in. The last user who signed in, did not Sign Out. Normally a user does not need to Sign Out. However where there are 2 or more users, each user must Sign Out before another user can Sign In. With Release we modified the code to 'force' each user to Sign Out, so manually Signing Out is no longer necessary.
Error Acquiring Token Silently2:
Exception (Method SendSTPMessage Line 971 File C:\Users\Office2\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\STP01 - MYOX\SingleTouchAPITestClientR1\SingleTouchAPITestClient\STPSendLibrary\STPSend.cs): (One or more errors occurred.) System.AggregateException mscorlib at System.Threading.Tasks.Task. ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.get_Result()
at STPSendLibrary.STPSend.<SendSTPMessage>d__40.MoveNext() ThrowIfExceptional Task A task was cancelled.
Single Touch Payroll is complex due to the interaction of our software, the Single Touch Portal, the Microsoft Authentication servers and the ATO Servers. If any of the 4 don't work as expected or are experiencing temporary issues, Single Touch Payroll doesn't work as it should. Identifying the exact cause is often not a simple process.
We am aware of some instances where there has been a short delay in receiving a response from the Single Touch portal - this can be caused by a number of factors. After a set time in the absence of a response, STP Creator displays the Exception Message you have received (One or more errors occurred). This is because STP Creator did not receive a Status Success or Status Failure message. In most cases the data DOES get sent, the problem is no confirmation was received.
If you try to re-send - you may receive a message similar to the one below:
Status: Send failed:
Status Code:400 Message:
My Company Pty Ltd (11111197650)
- ConvertToXMLAndValidate: The Pay Event for My Company Pty Ltd (11111197650 12 Aug 2019), Period Ending 11 Aug 2019 has already been lodged with the ATO.
This indicates the original data was in fact uploaded.
To confirm the data was sent, please log into the Single Touch Portal here. Once logged in go to Entities > History, select your entity and you will see on top of the list the most recent Report sent to the ATO. If the Report to sent is there, there is no need to do anything unless your receive an email advising the Report has been rejected by the ATO.
If the Report is not there, please you go through the process again (restart your computer first - to clear any memory related issues, open STP Creator, assemble all data and Lodge) - take a screenshot of any messages. If the same error occurs, copy and paste the Message into an email. Then close STP Creator screens back to Main screen. On Main Screen select Save Diagnostic File from Maintenance menu. Attach saved Diagnostic file to an email to Namich and send to together with any screenshots of any messages (errors or warnings). We will investigate and get back to you.
Exception (Method MySignIn Line 1027 File C:\Users\Office2\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\STP01 - MYOX\SingleTouchAPITestClientR1\SingleTouchAPITestClient\STPSendLibrary\STPSend.cs): (AADB2C90118: The user has forgotten their password.
Correlation ID: 6ab96090-db71-4f8c-bc1e-7ee88322350d
Timestamp: 2019-08-06 06:32:21Z
login_hint: accounts@gcautoelec.com.au) Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalServiceException Microsoft.Identity.Client at Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.Requests.InteractiveRequest.VerifyAuthorizationResult()
at Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.Requests.InteractiveRequest.<PreTokenRequest>d__9.MoveNext()
Go to Single Touch Portal and reset password.
Exception (Method MySignIn Line 1027 File C:\Users\Office2\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\STP01 - MYOX\SingleTouchAPITestClientR1\SingleTouchAPITestClient\STPSendLibrary\STPSend.cs): (AADB2C90118: The user has forgotten their password.
Correlation ID: 6ab96090-db71-4f8c-bc1e-7ee88322350d
Timestamp: 2019-08-06 06:32:21Z
login_hint: accounts@gcautoelec.com.au) Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalServiceException Microsoft.Identity.Client at Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.Requests.InteractiveRequest.VerifyAuthorizationResult()
at Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.Requests.InteractiveRequest.<PreTokenRequest>d__9.MoveNext()
Go to Single Touch Portal and reset password.
Exception (Method MySignIn Line 1027 File C:\Users\Office2\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\STP01 - MYOX\SingleTouchAPITestClientR1\SingleTouchAPITestClient\STPSendLibrary\STPSend.cs): (User cancelled authentication) Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalServiceException Microsoft.Identity.Client at Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.Requests.InteractiveRequest.VerifyAuthorizationResult()
at Microsoft.Identity.Client.Internal.Requests.InteractiveRequest.<PreTokenRequest>d__9.MoveNext()
This means the user cancelled the Sign In process and did not enter the 2 factor Authentication Code. Complete the Sign In process.